
The province of Santa Fe is a central region of Argentina, located in one of the most fertile and dynamic areas of the country, bounded to the East by the Rio Paranà valley, comprising a number of islands and waterways and considered one of the most biodiverse sites in the country. Against this backdrop, building an efficient and ecologically sound road network is a key objective for the province of Santa Fe’, which occupies an important position in the country’s economy thanks to its significant industrial, farming and animal husbandry activities, besides being a major hub for agrifood, petrochemical and motor vehicle exports.

Development and implementation of a quality system for road pavement construction and maintenance.

The quality system to be developed by Anas International Enterprise will concern 4,000 km of paved roads and about 8,000 km of roads scheduled for surfacing within 2025.
Following the preparation of a quality manual, the project provides for the definition of a check-list to ensure the consistent quality of the pavement, throughout all the relevant phases, and the subsequent data collection and processing, by means of an ad hoc software.

The software, and key factors for defining the quality standard, will be customised to the needs of each client.
To ensure high levels of performance, Anas International Enterprise is engaged in opening a local branch staffed with several of the professionals who have contributed to the success of the QA/QC project in Qatar, besides experts from our Experimental Research facility based in Cesano, to ensure the application of a model that has been proven to be effective.