
The selection of partner is open. Anas International short-listed for the concession of the Escuintla – Puerto Quetzal highway, South section, in Guatemala. 
Anas International is one of the 5 companies short-listed for the refurbishment, management, operation &maintenance, ancillary works and tolling of the South section of the Escuintla – Puerto Quetzal highway. 
The tender is promoted by ANADIE, the National Agency designated to define and grant contracts for those projects selected by CIV (Ministerio de Comunicaciones, Infraesructure y Vivienda) that contribute to the economic development of Guatemala.
CIV goal is to upgrade the existing road connection recurring to PPP. The estimated investment amounts to 60 mill USD with a duration of max 30 years.
The Anas International will submit a proposal in three steps (design, construction and operation & maintenance) that will cover the entire life cycle of the road structure.
It will include the refurbishment of the existing carriageways, the design and construction of 4 grade separators with the relevant acceleration and deceleration lanes, equipment of toll stations and of service areas and road signing. For further details, click here to see the project presentation.
Anas International is looking for a partner for the construction activities and for the establishment of the special purpose vehicle foreseen in case of awarding. The interested companies are kindly requested to submit in the relevant website section Registration and to contact the head office in Rome.